"For in thee O Lord do I hope, thou wilt hear O Lord my God.'' Psalm 38:15
WOW, can you believe its a new year? I am so excited to let God use me more than ever. It's all about going forward. We all wish we could go back and change a few things, but we can't. Ask Jesus to forgive you and forget it, He has.
My grandbaby Makayla got her new phone for Christmas and has become my new texting buddy. She just doesn't understand why we cant "face time." My Lou Thez flip phone don't either.

The biggest news I have already is that I will be opening a new wrestling school in Winston Salem at the end of this month. Thanks to Tracy Myers and our AML team for making it all possible. Yes, I will keep my wrestling school here in Charlotte also. God has blessed me more than I ever deserve and its just so exciting to see what His plans are. (Of course my kids are not to happy about it.)
I am so proud of Cedric, Tessa and all of my wrestling "kids" that are doing so good. They all have worked so hard.
I want to officially reintroduce the 3rd greatest book ever written "The Last Rassler" which my good friend Dick Bourne at the Mid-Atlantic Gateway did for me a few years back. This year I am really going to make a big deal about it. It is a book about all our adventures and features stories about Blackjack Mulligan, Sandy Scott, Ole Anderson, Dusty Rhodes, Brad Armstrong, Masked Superstar Bill Eadie, Brad Anderson, and of course Paul Jones. Plus lots of photos of me and my kids, wrestling memorabilia, road trips, the "Anderson Brothers Classic" and even the Chicken Coop! I always have copies of this book with me for sale, as well as my own book "Dad You Don't Work, You Wrestle." So find me at my gimmick table!

"How bout them Cowboys????"
Can you believe my Cowboys are doing this good? I am so proud of them. I love when things happen that nobody can explain. The NFL "chart sheets" didn't see this coming. Just don't understand my Cowboy jerseys being $200$ this year? Lol.

I hope everybody has a wonderful New Years and please continue to pray for Brad Armstrong's family who are doing so good. I love Lori and Jillian so much and know they appreciate the prayers.
Please let me know if I can sale you a book, show you around my wrestling schools or pray for you.
God Bless. - George