Sunday, April 25, 2021

A Gift from the King


Look what my friend Jerry Lawler sent me!

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Molly Holly's WWE Hall of Fame Speech

Thank you to Molly Holly for mentioning me in her WWE Hall of Fame speech, delivered on induction night on the WWE Network/Peacock on Tuesday April 6, 2021.

 "I also want to thank my prayer warriors ... for their frequent calls and texts messages reminding me that God's not done with me yet."

The full speech can be found here: Molly Holly - WWE Hall of Fame Induction Speech.

See Molly's Hall of Fame profile on the WWE Website.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Dallas South now playing for the Bears!!


My grandson Dallas just got picked up in free agency by the Bears! 'Longest Yard' outlaw league! Very 50s NFL!!