Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Monthly Greeting to the Fans - March 2016

''Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.'' 1 Tim. 1:15 .

Oh man, what a great time to be alive. This is the month that changed the world. Easter is my favorite day. Death and the devil (not Kevin Sullivan but the real devil) had won. Darkness and sadness had took over. But, just as Ole and Gene got heat up on Paul Jones, he made a hot tag to Wahoo and the greatest comeback of all time took place!

Whew! Does anything else even matter?

I ate lunch with the "worlds prettiest grandbaby Makayla today.  It was "wacky tacky" day. The kids could wear the wildest thing they could find. Makayla said I fit right in!! This month I will also find out about my new grandbaby that will be here around August. 

  • What a great weekend of pro wrestling here in the Mid-Atlantic states. I was so happy to see Bob Caudle and when he welcomed the people in Raleigh, I wanted to cry. Just a special 2 days. People still want to believe in heroes if we would just let them. 
  • Thank everyone for the great feedback these last few weeks on my 2nd greatest book. One guy told me how he bought it before a show and started reading it and had it finished before the matches begun. 
  • Tessa has been gone 2 weeks now on her journey and I am not going to lie. Things sure are different. I miss her and I know a lot of the fans do, too.
  • My wrestling school has signed up 10 new students this month. I now have a Swede Hanson, Kamala, Peter Parker, Sheik, Randy Moss and Richard Petty. Don't ask me their real names, I don't want to know them.
  • Please continue to keep praying for my buddy Chuck Coates who I was able to see at the Big Time Wrestling shows last week. He is a very special friend.  
  • Check out my favorite website the Mid-Atlantic Gateway. Well, maybe my 2nd favorite website next to this one! They have so many great memories of my Mid-Atlantic Wrestling!  
So happy for DeMarcus Ware to finally get his Super Bowl ring with Peyton Manning and the Denver Broncos. Now does somebody want to explain to me how we let him go? It's getting warmer weather and Tony Romo is back out fishing while rest of team is working out. Only 5 months to pre-season!

While making a deposit into one of my mason jars today at my bank, my sweet bank lady told me a lady had just came threw the drive-thru, pulled up to the window and said, "Hold on a minute, I'm on the phone!"  Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah  Jesus, please hurry, now would be just fine with me!!

Have a great month, rent a ring from me and buy a book....God Bless and see you at the matches.

- George