What a great way to start off a new month. I had a dream last night that I kept Terry Funk waiting on me in the ring for our Barbed Wire match. What the heck? Good thing I woke up before I got there. The barbed wire was not the problem, it was making Terry wait!
I want to wish my beautiful son Brock and his son Maverick Happy Birthday this month. Brock has ask for a Journey CD, so maybe I wasn't such a bad daddy! LOL

- Tessa Blanchard, Cedric Alexander and about 30 other of my wrestling school kids have made me so proud. My wrestling school t-shirts are also becoming one of my greatest gimmick table products!
- Please check out the great story on another Anderson championship on my buddy Dick Bourne's website, the Mid-Atlantic Gateway. I know Gene Anderson would be so proud of his grandson. Ole & Gene were the toughest men I ever met but when Little George was like four years old, I would take him with me to pick up my Crockett pay checks and he would always go running to Gene's office. He loved sitting on Gene's lap and taking all the ink pens out of his front pocket. Something me or anyone else would never dare to do!
- I will be at the huge AML and BTW events this months. Wrestling here in the Carolinas has some of the best shows of any place I have been. Just a great time to get out and go to the matches.
- I am so proud to be a part of the WWE Owen Hart DVD that just came out. I wrestled his very first match as the Blue Blazer and that is the one that they have listed on the back. God has been so good to me over the years. From letting No.1 Paul Jones punch me to Harley Race's flying head butt......I am so blessed.

Can you believe the Super Bowl is here? Me, Tony Romo, and Jerry Jones will be sitting at home watching!

Let me preach on this for a second. After all, it is my website so I can!!
Let me get this straight: Planned Parenthood gets caught on video tape with the sale of dead baby parts ... yes, you read that right. But the one that found this out and broke the news to the world is now being investigated and may face charges. WHAT???????? I am done here Lord, please hurry!!!!!!
Hope everyone has a great month and I will see you soon. If I can sell you a great book, ring canvas or let you take me and my grandbabies out to eat, just let me know.
God Bless!!!!!
- George